The Sensory-Space is an interactive sensory adventure, based at the Children's Memorial Institute in Johannesburg South Africa.
We have a range of themed rooms that are designed to help you explore your various sensory systems in a fun and engaging way.
It is the perfect space for you and your children to come and have fun, unwind and reconnect with your sensory systems.
Explore the Sensory-Space adventure below
Immerse yourself in our Sea Passage where you can relax inside a giant blanket sea anemone or explore our intricate coral reefs.
Feel the shapes and textures of our carefully crafted Tidal Touch Pool creatures. From sea urchins, to starfish, octopus to friendly hermit crabs.
Enter our magical Kelp Forrest Maze, made completely from recycled plastic, and see if you can spot all the blue stingrays, octopus, shy and pyjama sharks amongst the seaweed fronds.
Bounce on the large gym balls in the Jellyfish Room, whilst watching the light display.
Enjoy the lights and textures of our Anemone Room
Lose yourself in our Whale Pod room, listening to the sounds of whales singing to each other, whilst gently swaying in our therapeutic swings or egg swing.
Enjoy our colourful African Fabric Forrest, bounce, balance and jump around, or try your hand at playing an African instrument in the Land Passage.
Have fun swinging through the trees in our Monkey Swing Room.
Flap your arms whilst jumping on our mini trampolines with the birds in our Baobab room.
Have a ball in our Boulder Boundary Room, test your boxing skills, or enjoy the pressure of moving through 15000 balls in our supersized ballpond.
Enjoy the textured experience of putting your hands and feet into soft sand. Explore your world with the fun toys and stones in the sand therapy boxes, or connect with some beautiful African precious stones.
At the end of your visit you can relax in our chill zone, enjoy the local African flower murals, step into our accessible rainbow ball pond, play with some scented sensory play-dough, or enjoy a sweet sensory taste surprise.
We have a lovely Sensory-Space Shop that sells lots of fun toys, our rainbow socks, and engaging sensory activity packs. All of the proceeds from the Sensory-Space Shop go towards the Children's Memorial Institute or the nearly 30 NPOs that are housed in this historic building.